Saturday 3 March 2012

MEP Germany 2012

Hello everybody,

as I've told you about the MEP earlier, I'm gonna do a report on it now.
This year the German MEP took place from the 26th Feb - 2nd March 2012 in Berlin and it was definately one of the best weeks in my life.
I've met so many people from every county and we've spent a lovely time working in our comitees for our resolutions, writing speeches all night and in the general assembly (GA).
A short explanation on how the MEP first there are the delegations. Each of the 16countys of Germany+ Hungary + Poland have sent a delegation of 8 members to represent an EU state in the 8 comitees. Those comitees work on different issues for 2 days to create a resolution including the solution for the issue. My issue has been racism and right-wing extremism in the EU. After the 2days in our comitee, we could finally start the two days of GA. All the resolutions were discussed, the delegates could hold speeches against and for the resolutions (while the comitee leaders slept and played games with the presidents) and at last but not least there has been a vote on every resolution. Unfortunately mine was rejected, but still I had a lot of fun and that's what counts, right? Inbetween we did a flashmob, freezing in front of the Brandenburg Gate and singing the European anthem. On the second day of GA, we also did a Fishbowl discussion where everyone had the possibility to ask questions and discuss with 2 German politicians. So it really has been a great week and as everyone can imagine, saying goodbye was the hardest thing ever. I've never cried so many tears in my life like yesterday. The MEP depression has spread in Germany and no one can cure it.
So..even if I have a lot of stuff to revise for school, I'm looking forward to being a delegate in the Baltic Sea Region MEP in Copenhagen in 3 weeks. It's gonna be great!

Here some impressions for you:
All the 180 participants of the 13

The best comitee members i could've ever imagine, thanks a lot! ♥
(by the way, we're trying the Merkel Style) 

let me be your angel

ABBA - Dancing Queen

All the comitee leaders in the German press office while printing the resolutions

MEP in front of the Brandenburg Gate after the Flashmob.

1 comment:

  1. "the MEP depression has spread in Germany and no one can cure it." -so true<3 :(
